12 January 2011

Resolutions and Reading Lists

I'm still thinking about some things I want to change or improve this year. One of those is my morning / night routine. Okay, I know that sounds really nerdy to some people, but what I'm doing now is just not working for me. I know I need to get up early enough to get myself pretty much completely ready before I start my day with the kids. Once they're up, my day is off and running, and a lot of times I feel like it's leaving me behind! And, in order to actually get up on time, I know I need to get to bed earlier. Which leads me to my second "resolution" : doing some reading before I turn in for the night. I love to read, have learned so much from reading, and need to make sure I do more of it! Doing some before-bed reading (kinda like Mike and Carol Brady, lol) instead of plopping down on the couch in front of the t.v. or computer is better for me. Plus, it usually insures that I get to bed at a decent hour. So, that being said, here's a list of books that I've enjoyed over the last few years. Of course I can't endorse every premise made by these authors, but these books have either helped me or entertained me!

A Heart Like His by Beth Moore
It's a Wonderful Life by Terrie Chappell
Under the Shadow of the Almighty by Elisabeth Elliott
Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Born to Win by Kevin Leman (interesting read for first-borns; not that I buy into all the birth-order psychology)
Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson ( the best parenting book I read!)
Creative Counterpart by Linda Dillow
Following God with All Your Heart by Elizabeth George
One Nation Under Therapy by Christina Hoff Sommers and Dr. Sally Satel (interesting; again, definitely can't say I agree with everything....)
Churchill by Paul Johnson
1776 by David McCullough

Right now, I'm working on Esther by Charles Swindoll and Choosing Gratitude by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
I would love to hear what others have read and can recommend for the upcoming year!

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